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Transparency Zone, July 2024

23 August 2024

A $32,050 fee was invalid due to the cost estimation not being “more than a guess”. However, the agency was permitted to seek prepayment of fees based upon a good faith estimate. 2024-0956 Similar requests are not necessarily disruptive. An agency must provide evidence that a request is disruptive. 2024-1625 The Office of Open Records … Continue reading Transparency Zone, July 2024

Exemptions, Explained: 708 (b)(9), Certain Draft Records

6 August 2024

Exemption 708(b)(9) describes certain draft records that may be withheld in response to a Right-to-Know Law request. Appeals Officer Topé Quadri provided the legal analysis. As of August 6, 2024, this exemption has been cited in 166 OOR appeals.   Section 708(b)(9) exempts: The draft of a bill, resolution, regulation, statement of policy, management directive, ordinance … Continue reading Exemptions, Explained: 708 (b)(9), Certain Draft Records

Transparency Zone, May/June 2024

3 July 2024

2024-0939: The clearance procedures of a prison x-ray body scanner are exempt, but the testing/maintenance records of a prison x-ray machine are accessible under the RTKL. 2024-1033: A list of property addresses and corresponding terminology used by a city councilmember are not exempt under the RTKL as personal notes or working papers. 2024-0921: A county … Continue reading Transparency Zone, May/June 2024

Exemptions, Explained: 708 (b)(8), Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining Agreements

25 June 2024

In this post, we discuss records related to labor relations and collective bargaining agreements, covered in section 708(b)(8).  Senior Appeals Officer Kelly Isenberg provided the legal analysis.  As of June 24, 2024, this exemption has been cited in 99 OOR appeals.   Section 708(b)(8) exempts: Common sense dictates that publicly releasing records related to agency labor … Continue reading Exemptions, Explained: 708 (b)(8), Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining Agreements

Attention Open Records Officers

18 June 2024

Good afternoon. Earlier today, we sent all agency open records officers registered with our office a link to a survey. Understanding the challenges facing agencies who are subject to the Right-to-Know Law (RTKL) is an important goal of the Office of Open Records (OOR); this survey project is a critical way to gather that information. … Continue reading Attention Open Records Officers

Exemptions, Explained: 708 (b)(7), Agency Employee Records

7 June 2024

Next, we discuss records related to agency employees. Section 708(b)(7) protects certain records related to employees’ information. Chief Counsel Kyle Applegate provided the legal analysis for this exemption.  As of June 7, 2024, this exemption has been cited in 584 OOR appeals.   Section 708(b)(7) exempts “the following records relating to an agency employee: The specific … Continue reading Exemptions, Explained: 708 (b)(7), Agency Employee Records

FOIA Buddy

20 May 2024

The OOR has been contacted by numerous agencies who have received Right-to-Know Law requests from requesters using FOIA Buddy. Please read this for more information.

Transparency Zone, April 2024

13 May 2024

The Liquor Control Board demonstrated that granting access to bourbon whiskey delivery schedule records to different County liquor stores would threaten the security of an individual. This decision has been appealed to Commonwealth Court. 2024-0251 The applications of unsuccessful applicants for a position, including those applicants’ names, are exempt records. 2024-0539 The Copyright Act may prohibit … Continue reading Transparency Zone, April 2024

Transparency Zone, March 2024

5 April 2024

A requester is entitled to a refund of duplication fees paid for records produced by the agency that are not responsive to the request. 2023-2227 The identity of the requester and motivation for the request are irrelevant in determining whether records are exempt from disclosure. 2024-0266 The RTKL’s exemption for trade secrets or confidential, proprietary … Continue reading Transparency Zone, March 2024

Exemptions, Explained: 708 (b)(6), Personal Identification Information

3 April 2024

Even the most dedicated transparency advocates will draw a line when it comes to the disclosure of certain personal information in records. Section 708(b)(6) of Pennsylvania’s Right-to-Know Law (“RTKL”) allows government agencies to withhold personal identification information from public access.   In this edition of “Exemptions, Explained,” with legal analysis provided by Appeals Officer Angela Edris, … Continue reading Exemptions, Explained: 708 (b)(6), Personal Identification Information

Docket Date Title County Status
20242236 09/16/2024 John Waldenberger v. Souderton Area School District Montgomery Withdrawn
20242199 09/16/2024 Paul Fisher v. Silver Spring Township Cumberland Dismissed: Moot
20242163 09/16/2024 Kantaphon Suddhapas v. Philadelphia County District Attorney's Office Philadelphia
20242043 09/16/2024 Alex Burns v. Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Commonwealth Partially Granted/Partially Denied
20242031 09/16/2024 Carmine Bloise v. Ross Township (Allegheny) Allegheny Dismissed: Moot
20241965 09/16/2024 Mark Bethune v. Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Commonwealth Denied
20241913 09/16/2024 Tricia Mezzacappa v. Northampton County District Attorney's Office Northampton Granted
Date Organization
September 18, 2024, 10:00 AM [OPEN TO PUBLIC] Laws that Protect Information Webinar
September 24, 2024, 12:00 PM Practice Before the Office of Open Records: What You Should Know
October 2, 2024, 10:00 AM [OPEN TO PUBLIC] Basics of the Sunshine Act Webinar
October 16, 2024, 10:00 AM [OPEN TO PUBLIC] The Right-to-Know Law for Law Enforcement Webinar
October 30, 2024, 10:00 AM [OPEN TO PUBLIC] Basics of the Right-to-Know Law Webinar
November 13, 2024, 10:00 AM [OPEN TO PUBLIC] Payment Issues and the Right-to-Know Law Webinar